Innovative solution providers...

We pride ourselves on delivering innovative solutions to meet our clients' business requirements.

We maintain successful, long-term client relationships through professional support and cost effectiveness.

Case Study / Events Hub

Events Hub is for NSW Government event organisers, agencies and event planners to share information coordinate services and deliver major events safely and successfully. read more...

Case Study / Kazia

Kazia Therapeutics is a global biotechnology company.

Case Study / Headstart

Headstart Financial Services required an inviting, easily readable and simple to understand site. read more...

Case Study / My Creature Age

My Creature Age is a fun way to see how old you are in a number of creature years and to keep track of your creature birthdays. read more...

Case Study / Lexica

Lexica provides legal back office solutions. It enables non legal firms to offer a legal service to their clients. read more...

Case Study / NIMPIS

NIMPIS is a central repository of marine pest information to assist Australian decision makers in the event of an incursion/outbreak. read more...

Case Study / PHISCo

MOH collect inpatient data from healthcare facilities in order to monitor service trends, determine the demand for services and plan for future services. read more...

Case Study / PeriPH

MOH collects data from healthcare facilities in order to monitor patterns of pregnancy care, services and pregnancy outcomes. read more...

Case Study / WToW

MOH provides to the public relevant information about public hospital waiting times and waiting lists. read more...

Case Study / Visualisation

We undertook a study on how best to visualise environmental data with maps, charts and tables. read more...

Case Study / x130e

IMI specialise in the deployment of hardware and required a solution to track and report on items processed during the hardware deployment. read more...

Case Study / DAR

SCA required a system to manage the assessment of development applications within the Sydney water catchment and automate assessment... read more...