The following case studies offer a sample of innovative solutions for a wide range of clients by Spatial Intelligence
The SCA required a system to manage the assessment of development applications within the Sydney water catchment and automate numerous development assessment and catchment information functions. Spatial Intelligence was commissioned to develop a spatially enabled application to meet these requirements. read more...
The SCA required a system that could record information on potential pollution sources (both point and diffuse) in the Sydney water supply catchment area. Spatial Intelligence was commissioned to develop a spatially enabled application to meet these requirements. read more...
The SCA required a system to assess the potential risk of individual on-site effluent management systems. Spatial Intelligence was commissioned to develop a spatially enabled application to meet these requirements. read more...
The SCA required an integrated information system to support staff and management in the performance of the SCA's compliance program. Spatial Intelligence was commissioned to develop a spatially enabled application to meet these requirements. read more...